The insight and wisdom of Clark Terry

I had the good fortune to be able to work with the great Clark Terry on multiple occasions. On each of these occasions I learned something that helped me in my growth as a musician and teacher. Here are a few of the things I learned.


1.    Clark was always willing to share his deep knowledge of jazz music. It didn’t matter how much or how little you knew. Clark would find your level and leave you with something that would make you better.

2.    Clark always had a great time on stage and he was a master at conveying this to the audience. In selling this to the audience he drew people in and pretty soon the whole house was having a great time. He was a master performer and a master entertainer.

3.    Clark was kind to everyone. As big a star as he was, he would always take the time to answer anyone’s question and no question was unimportant.

4.    And last was one of Clark’s great quotes – “Remember that it’s good to be hip, but don’t be too hip because two hips make an ass”

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